Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First heartbreak

Ethan getting introduced to a new nanny

Ethan: I'm sad mommy because my Sam Jose ah Yee go away
New nanny gave Ethan a small candy bar that he was holding tightly to. 

Ethan: mom I want to keep this for when my old ah Yee come back. I will share with her. 

Mommy was feeling sad as well. 

Ethan: mommy why are you sad? 
Mom: I am sad because you are sad Ethan 
Ethan: mom I am not sad anymore because my new ah Yee is here. 

He already know how to empathize and console at 3

Day3 : woke up crying all night. This is Thursday morning face before going to school

Ethan says " mom don't take my picture "

Day 4 : Tonight Ethan took the photo frame we made for him with pictures of ah Ye and him. Looked at it for a while and decided to open the trash and dump it. I guess it is his way of coping. We are glad the new nanny is working out great so far.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Reunited and it feels so good

Ethan and Sophie was so excited to see each other again after we spend a week in Portland. They played non stop from the minute we met up at ramen place until 11:30pm. Way passed their bedtime. 

Mom: Alright Ethan and Sophie time for bed . You want to give each other a hug?

Ethan: Mom I want to go back to Portland, in done with Seattle 

Lol where does he find these things to say.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Glasses vs no glasses

And then when I put my glasses on he goes "you don't look like uncle Hsu Han anymore. Now you look like uncle Brandon."

Dark Monkey

Mom: Ethan please come put on some sunblock 
Ethan: No I don't want to
Auntie Tina: Ethan Sophie does not like boys that are dark. You will look like a dark monkey. 
Ethan: Like uncle Hsu Han ?
Everyone LOL 😂😂